Information quality and security policies


The COMMITMENT to provide and maintain the highest levels of service quality, generating the maximum information security guarantees possible.

The PURPOSE is to be an organization oriented to process management and risk analysis, to ensure their control and improvement, the integration of our staff in their development and compliance with the commitment to quality and information security, in order to seek maximum satisfaction for our clients.

As well as being a reference for sectors and activities;

Business Intelligence. Cyberintelligence and Cybersecurity. Internal threat plan. Digital Identity.
According to the current declaration of applicability.


All based on the development of people, the sense of belonging to the organization and their personal fulfillment, the best adaptation and optimization of resources, process management and risk analysis, as essential elements to achieve CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT.

Aware of the need to have Standardized Systems of international recognition, the organization has aligned its Information Security Management System to the ISO 27001 standard.


Therefore, Management is committed to leading and maintaining an Information Management System in the organization based on continuous improvement and the following guidelines:

  • The serious commitment to knowing the needs and expectations of our clients and other interested parties, to achieve their satisfaction, and to continuous improvement, establishing and verifying compliance with the established objectives periodically.
  • The commitment to comply with the applicable legislation and regulations, as well as the requirements that are subscribed to.
  • Ensure the security of our own information and that of our clients. Our activity involves the processing of various information as a way of executing basic processes typical of its activity. Knowing that information systems, applications, communications infrastructures, files and databases constitute an important asset of the company, management prioritizes the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information when defining and delimiting objectives and responsibilities. for the various technical and organizational actions and monitors compliance with the legal framework, specific directives and policies and defined procedures.
  • The commitment to the continuous review of skills and continuous improvement, in order to guarantee the quality of services and their ability to face the growing challenges that our clients pose to us.

All of our staff accepts the commitment to improve the services, the company’s auxiliary processes and develop responsible information security behavior within the different jobs.

Our comprehensive quality and information security management policy establishes:

The COMMITMENT to provide and maintain the highest levels of service quality, generating the maximum information security guarantees possible. With VALUES that characterize us as an organization:

The services offered by KRIPTERIA specialize exclusively in corporate protection systems, including defensive systems against large-scale threats.
We work with specific dynamics that combine corporate intelligence, cyber defense, design of solutions, process engineering, programming, on-line surveillance, social monitoring and proximity networks.


The PURPOSE is to be an organization oriented to management by processes and risk analysis, to ensure their control and improvement, the integration of our staff in their development and compliance with the commitment to quality, environmental protection, efficiency. energy and pollution prevention, in order to seek maximum satisfaction for our customers.

As well as being a reference for sectors and activities;

For the Quality Management System, ISO 9001:2015
Business Intelligence. Cyberintelligence and Cybersecurity. Internal threat plan. Digital Identity.
For the Information Security System, ISO 27001:2013
Business Intelligence. Cyberintelligence and Cybersecurity. Internal threat plan. Digital Identity.
According to the current declaration of applicability.


As well as in our social environment. All foundation in the development of people, as an essential element to achieve CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT of our processes, the sense of belonging to the organization and their personal fulfillment.

Aware of the need to have Standardized Recognition Systems

international knowledge, the organization has aligned its Management System to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management and UNE-ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management standards.

Therefore, Management is committed to leading and maintaining an Integrated Quality Management and Information Security System in the organization based on continuous improvement and the following guidelines:

  • The serious commitment to knowing the needs and expectations of our clients and interested parties, to achieve their satisfaction, and to continuous improvement, establishing and verifying compliance with annual objectives and goals.
  • The commitment to comply with applicable legislation and regulations, as well as the requirements that are subscribed to.
  • Ensure the security of our own information and that of our clients. Our activity involves the processing of various information as a way of executing basic processes typical of its activity. Knowing that information systems, applications, communications infrastructures, files and databases constitute an important asset of the company, management prioritizes the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information when defining and delimiting objectives and responsibilities. for the various technical and organizational actions and monitors compliance with the legal framework, specific directives and policies and defined procedures.
  • The commitment to continuous review of skills and continuous improvement, in order to guarantee the quality of services and their ability to face the growing challenges that our clients pose to us.

All of our staff accepts the commitment to improve the quality of services, the company’s auxiliary processes and develop responsible information security behavior within the different jobs.


Managing Director
August ’21, version nº1